Mt. Beacon Club Meeting minutes
MBARC In-Person Meeting
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
May 9, 2024
31 in attendance
President Rich, W2REV, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
President Rich reported that the New Hackensack Fire Department was looking for volunteers
to serve refreshments at an event they are holding on June 8. The Fire Department will donate
$500 to MBARC in return for our volunteer services. A show of hands indicated all were in
favor of MBARC’s participation. Rich asked that anyone available to volunteer please contact
him ASAP.
Rich led a round of self introductions.
Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS, circulated the printed financial reports.
- The current bank balance as of the end of the preceding full month (30 April 2024) was
$16,371.27. The meeting before was $15,374.05. - Over the past 12 months, income was $3,688.00, expenses were $997.10 for a net gain
of $2,690.90. - Extraordinary items:
◦ The CD that we purchased last May for $8,000 will become due before our next
meeting, approximately $8300. We will cash that out and keep it aside for
possible use in an upcoming re-cabling project proposed by the Engineering
Seven new members were unanimously voted in:
◦ WN3WUY Chuck Richwine
◦ William Navarro (no call)
◦ N2LLV Al Sutcliffe
◦ K2JIB (updated call, was KE2DGP at the time of the meeting) Joshua Buland
◦ KE2DHH Bob McCready
◦ KE2DGZ Michelle Roeten
◦ KE2DHA John McCann
Steve, KB2TAT, distributed the MBARC logo hats and shirts ordered by Club Members.
The meeting adjourned at 6:52 pm.
Immediately following the meeting Steve Uckerman, N2JXL, conducted a workshop on
constructing a portable antenna from a metal tape measure, PVC pipes, and various readily
available clamps and other parts. All 31 attendees stayed for the workshop and 5 members
built antennas, especially useful for fox hunting. There was loud applause for Steve at the end
of the workshop. All agreed he did an excellent job. The workshop was informative, practical,
readily understood, and very well presented!
Respectfully submitted, Steve Force KB2TAT
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
May 11, 2023
16 members and 2 guests In Attendance
(The two guests were voted in as members during the meeting)
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by President Rich, W2REV, who led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Following the Pledge, Rich introduced two new hams who were welcomed by the Members: Carol, KE2BGW (now W2CKM), and Amanda, KD2BGE.
The March 9 minutes were read by Steve, KB2TAT. Steve thanked Marty, KA2R, and Andrew, W2BOS, for taking and posting the minutes in his absence. Adam, AE2AN, suggested a correction to the minutes: the Technician License classes and VE testing session took place at the Dutchess County Office of Emergency Management, not Emergency Preparedness. With that correction the minutes were approved unanimously.
Officer Reports
President Rich announced that the QSY Society expressed their gratitude for MBARC’s contribution to their field day.
President Rich said that he would soon be sending an e-mail to the Membership with two important questions he would like each of us to consider.
Vice President Tom, N2FZC, reported that the date and place of the Club’s hamfest had been finalized: September 17, at the Slater Chemical Fire Company, Glenham (Fishkill), NY. Sellers: 6:00 to 8:00 am, Attendees: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, and FCC exams starting at 9:00 am. Andrew distributed a flyer with the details. Tom said volunteers are needed!
Tom reported there will be an indoor room for the VE session at the hamfest. Adam spoke to the need for more club members to get involved in the hamfest. He reflected on hamfests in previous years which attracted many more attendees and vendors and that it will take more participation and effort to get back to those types of hamfest.
There was discussion of parking and tailgating plans, as well as general parking. It was also noted there needs to be a more active sale of 50/50 tickets.
Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS, reported that dues notices will be coming out soon.
He also reported that 3 individuals applied for Club membership:
KE2BGK Bob David
KE2BGW (now W2CKM) Carol Morin
KD2BGE Amanda Maresca
Votes were taken to admit each one and each was admitted unanimously.
The Financial Report:
Current balance (4/30/2023) $13,680.79
For the period 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Income $ 6,032.44
Expenses $ 3,415.85
Net $ 2,616.59
Andrew reported that he is also investigating depositing excess funds currently in a low-interest bearing credit union account into a CD if reasonable to capture higher interest rates.
He also reported that after consultation with President Rich it was decided to extend the date of the election of officers to allow for further nominations. Nominations will now be accepted through May 31. It is asked that anyone wishing to nominate someone get the approval of that potential nominee first.
A neutral club member will be appointed to count the votes.
Steve, N2JXL, reported on his thoughts concerning the Technician License class held in April and gave a thorough critique of the class sessions, test, study and instructional materials, formats, and the reactions and suggestions from both students and examiners. A lengthy and productive discussion followed.
It was noted that on the Sunday after the class, there was a VE Session for 24 class participants and other walk-ins that yielded 17 new Techs and 4 new Generals. The Club thanks the following VE’s for their time: Adam AE2AN, Raymond KE2Z, Lynn KV2J, George N2OXK, Joe W2BCC, Andrew W2BOS, Bob WA2JQK, and Mark WW2RDO.
Some excellent suggestions came out of the discussion. Fred, WA2GZW, suggested MBARC purchase some inexpensive HT’s to loan to new hams. Steve, N2JXL, suggested we put links to CHIRP files on our website.
Adam moved that the Club purchase five (up to a total of $150) Baofeng HT’s to loan to new hams. The motion was seconded by Steve, KB2TAT, and passed unanimously.
Adam and Andrew said they will look into holding quarterly test sessions.
The 50/50 prize was $30, won by KB2SSP.
The meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Force, KB2TAT
Addendum to the January 18, 2023, meeting minutes:
Bill, KB2SSP, suggested MBARC develop a list of alternative meeting sites in the event our usual site is unavailable to us for any reason.
One way to identify such sites could be through letters of introduction regarding our club’s purpose, membership, not for profit status, emergency preparedness, community service, etc. Members of MBARC could give these letters to friends and associates who are members of such organizations as service clubs, fire departments, community organizations, etc.
MBARC In-Person Meeting
In lieu of our Steve, KB2TAT, Recording Secretary’s vacation absence, Marty, KA2R took the minutes.
21 people were in Attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Vice President Tom, N2FZC in lieu of Rich, W2REV, who was on vacation.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Motion to accept with corrections were approved.
Club Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS gave his report:
– A letter of receipt from the ARRL of the club’s $50 donation to their General Fund in memory of our former President Wanda Traver, N2JBK, was read aloud.
– A new Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room Contact has been assigned, and the club is now able to schedule our meetings for the entire 2023 calendar year. At 6:30 PM, every other second month on Thursdays. The remaining 2023 dates are: Thursday 5/11/2023, Thursday 7/13/2023, Thursday 9/14/2023, and Thursday 11/9/2023.
– New member Vernon Thorpe III, KD2VQP, who was in attendance, was voted in as a member and welcomed by all.
– Financially, our club’s balances total $13,843.92 in all accounts as of 2/28/2023. For the last 12 months (3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023), our income over expenses was $2,508.41.
Adam, AE2AN, provided some information on club activities:
– A recap of the Dutchess County St. Patrick’s Day parade that was held on March 4th. Club members and local hams that assisted were: KE2ADH James, AE2AN Adam, W2CRM Craig, K2ECO JoJo, N2FZC Tom, KV2J Lynn, KD2UFD Brian, AC2TM John, and KD2YFF Anesta.
– The club is running a no-charge Ham Technician class and VE exam at the Dutchess County Office of Emergency Management on Creek Road (the usual QTH) over the 3 day weekend of Friday evening-Sunday afternoon 4/21-4/23. Contact Adam, AE2AN ( for class registration and info, and Andrew, W2BOS ( for VE exam session (Sunday 4/23 at 1PM). Need not take the class to sit for an exam (new or upgrade).
– Discussion of online VE testing occurred. Adam thought perhaps WECA did this; turns out that WECA does not to this.
– Field Day, weekend of June 24-25. Adam mentioned that the QSY Society is looking to rent the pavilion at Bowdoin Park again this year, but is financially strapped. A motion was made by AE2AN and carried unanimously that MBARC provide QSY Society $200 if they indeed rent the pavilion to assist in having Field Day. Our MBARC members, as usual, are welcome to attend.
– ARES/RACES Updates:
– 69 members on the email list. 60 +/- of them are active
– A new communications vehicle has been supplied to/by Dutchess County
– A Sunday morning voice net: 80 meters approximately 3.9935 mhz. 9 AM local. Looking to do a Sunday Digital net 930 AM local, frequency TBD.
Mention was made of the Orange County Hamfest on May 7th at a different venue.
Andrew, W2BOS, asked about the status of our club’s 2023 fall hamfest. We’re looking to get the same location at the Fire House in Glenham as we did last fall. A date of September 17th was proposed. Tom, N2FZC, will meet with the Fire Department folks and bring back status. It was noted that obtaining better signage for food, more volunteers to assist, and an indoor VE session room would be improvements.
Frank, W2GIO, gave a demonstration of a full wave loop antenna w/PVC. Cut for FM BC band 100 mhz frequency. The spokes were obtained from Harbor Freight and connected to a PVC hub. Pieces of old bicycle tires were used to secure wire to spokes. He is also giving a STEM presentation on building flashlights shortly.
Some guests showed off a WW2 radio receiver they brought in. Andrew, W2BOS, provided them with information on who to contact (WW2RDO, Mark) in QSY Society who is interested in this WW2 radio equipment.
Andrew, W2BOS, added an additional about Morse Code being on the Boston Red Sox scoreboard, and subsequent to the meeting provided a picture on the club’s Facebook page.
Tom, N2FZC, showed a video of Slow Scan TV (SSTV) on his laptop. MMSSTV
( on the PC, and Robot36 ( on Android.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marty, KA2R (minutes taker) and Andrew, W2BOS (minutes transcriber)
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
January 18, 2023
22 members and 1 guest In Attendance
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by President Rich, W2REV, who led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Following the Pledge, Rich asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Past MBARC president Wanda Traver, N2JBK, who passed away January 15, 2023.
Recording Secretary Steve, KB2TAT, read the minutes of the November 16, 2022 meeting. The minutes were accepted unanimously.
Officer Reports
President Rich reported that the letter regarding suspension was sent to the individual found to be causing interference on the Club’s repeaters. There seems to be little or no interference since. Rich read a copy of the letter aloud.
Mikey, KD2NMG, stated that there had been some minor interference with recent Breakfast Club nets and on a recent Monday night on-air meeting.
President Rich announced that the Wappingers Falls St. Patrick’s Day parade will be held Saturday, March 4. The Club has participated in the safety operations of the parade for several years. He asked for a show of hands from those who might participate this year.
Vice President Tom, N2FZC, reported that net control operators are needed for the Monday night on-air meeting net and the Saturday morning Breakfast Club net.
Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS, reported that 2 individuals applied for Club membership:
KD2UFD Bryan Hopper
KE2ADH James A. Smith
Votes were taken to admit each one and both were admitted unanimously.
The Financial Report:
Current balance (12/31/22) $14,299.79
For the period 1/1/22 to 12/31/22
Income $ 6,707.41
Expenses $ 3,052.87
Net $ 3,654.54
Andrew made a motion for the Club to take out a quarter page ad in the Wappingers Falls St. Patrick’s Day parade program (which the Club does every year) for $25. The motion passed unanimously.
Andrew, Rich, and others talked about the services to the Club and amateur radio that were given by Wanda Traver and her late husband Ray. The Travers were remembered with great appreciation and fondness by those present who knew them. It was clear that they were both wonderful people. Andrew made a motion for the Club to donate $50 to ARRL in memory of Wanda. The motion passed unanimously.
Andrew reported that the mechanism and policy for review of full roster postings to the reflector, as voted in at the November 16, 2022 meeting, were put into place and operating smoothly.
Andrew stated that the next Club meeting will be Thursday, March 9th, in the Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room at 6:30 pm. The change from Wednesday, 5:30, meetings to Thursday, 6:30, meetings came about in response to a poll of the Membership.
President Rich led a vigorous round of applause of thanks to Director of Engineering John,N2OXV,
for the time and effort he put into the successful resolution of the repeater interference problem.
John reported that he will not be going to the top of Mt. Beacon to check on our equipment in the immediate future due to the difficulties inherent in the cold weather season.
Frank, W2GIO, reported that the 223.920 repeater was operating well and its use has increased.
Tom, N2FZC, reported that the 146.970 repeater was operating well.
Rob, K2ROB, reported that the 6-meter repeater was operating well.
Old Business
New Business
Mikey, KD2NMG, reported that he was planning an in-person Breakfast Club event.
Andrew, W2BOS, reported that he was considering holding a Spring test training session.
The 50/50 prize was $55, won by W2REV. Rich generously donated his winnings to the club.
Andrew won a second drawing: a portable antenna made and donated by Frank, W2GIO. Since Andrew had bought one from Frank at the hamfest, he donated it back to the Club for a re-do and it was one by Greg, W2GDG.
Frank, W2GIO, demonstrated different antennas he made and gave an overview of recent and upcoming Repair Café activities.
Steve, N2JXL, and John, N2OXV, displayed an upgraded, multi-element version of the tape measure Yagi they demonstrated at the November meeting.
Tom, N2FZC, gave an introduction and overview of digital radio
The presentations were fascinating and enjoyed by all. Thank you Frank, Steve, John, and Tom.
Tom, thank you for providing us with a full slate of informative, entertaining presentations!
The meeting was closed unanimously at 6:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by KB2TAT.