MBARC In-Person Meeting
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
January 9, 2025
21 members and 3 guests in attendance
President Rich, W2REV, called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm and led the Pledge of
Allegiance. Following the Pledge, he asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of
silence for the late Former President Jimmy Carter.
President Rich called for a round of self-introductions.
Steve, KB2TAT, read the November 14, 2024 minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Officer Reports
President Rich, reporting for Adam, AE2AN, said Adam has been in contact with the Knights of
Columbus regarding the rental of their Hopewell hall for MBARC’s spring hamfest. He hopes to
have a date finalized soon.
President Rich mentioned news reports of someone who was charged with interfering with the
radio communications of the US Forest Service while it was coordinating firefighting efforts
during a forest fire in Idaho. That individual was fined approximately $34,000. An article
detailing the incident can be found in the ARRL Newsletter for June 9, 2022. Other members in
attendance also commented on this incident.
Vice President Tom, N2FZC, reported that he is looking for net control stations for the weekly
MBARC on-air meetings.
Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS, provided the Treasurer’s report:
The current bank balance as of the end of the preceding full month (December 31, 2024) was
$19,203.60. The meeting before (October 31, 2024) was $19,482.50. Expenditures since the
last meeting were for the Post Office box renewal, 045 tower rental fee, and club insurance.
Over the past 12 months (January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024), income was
$5,616.16, expenses were $1,526.49, for a net gain of $4,089.67.
Andrew confirmed the membership numbers he reported to the Membership after the
November meeting: 148 members, consisting of: 26 Family Members, 64 Full members, 2
Honorary members, and 56 Senior members.
The members present voted unanimously to purchase a half page ad in the Annual Dutchess
County St. Patrick’s Day Parade program for $50. (The ad was subsequently purchased).
Two new members were voted in unanimously:
K2CAT, Adam Iannazzone
K2DTW, David T. Warshaw
Lon, KB2UPZ, asked if we should continue to hold funds for the upcoming antenna
project. Andrew responded that they are not held in a separate account and there is no
need to do anything special with them before the project is completed.
Andrew reminded everyone that nominations for Club Officers, Directors, and Trustees
were due to him by January 31. There were two director positions open and Jeff,
K2JDG, offered to fill one and Marty, KA2R offered to fill the other. There were no
candidates for Treasurer.
Andrew also reported that MBARC will offer another Technician License Review
Seminar in the spring at the Dutchess County Office of Emergency Management on
Creek Road in Poughkeepsie. A VE testing session, open to all, will be held following
the seminar.
Trustee and Director Reports
Vernon, KD2VQP, reported that an amateur operator on the Hudson Valley Net recently
suggested that the Club charter a bus for a trip to ARRL headquarters in Newington,
Connecticut. A discussion followed and there was considerable interest in such a trip.
There was almost unanimous agreement that driving and carpooling would be more
practical and affordable than chartering a bus. Vernon offered to put together a trip to
ARRL headquarters.
New and Old Business
Lon, KB2UPZ, brought up a suggestion from a previous meeting that new Club
members be required or encouraged to volunteer for Club events. He suggested
participation in at least one event be required in the first year of membership.
Considerable discussion followed. Jeff, KE2I, a returning member, said he thought it
was a good idea, but thought it could turn off individuals who wish to join the Club as a
way of supporting the repeater, but are not necessarily interested in participating in club
events or meetings. This was viewed as a good point. Andrew, W2BOS, and Marty,
KA2R, said we do have different categories of membership and suggested this could be
addressed by designating one or more categories as “non-volunteering”. A number of
possible events and activities for fulfilling a volunteer requirement were mentioned. One
was acting as Net Control Station for an MBARC on-air meeting.
Bill, KB2SSP, told a story about a positive use of drones involving hams using a drone
and their HT’s to locate a lost dog and guide its owner to it.
Joe, W2BCC, asked how many of those present had read the most recent issue of QST.
Only a few raised their hands. Joe said he asked the question to point out changes at
ARRL and in its membership. He also mentioned that VE exams were going to be
Steve, N2JXL, reported on an experience he had with working with Central Hudson to
solve a serious RFI problem. Steve said he would do a presentation on the problem
and solution at the next in-person meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve, KB2TAT
MBARC In-Person Meeting
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
November 14, 2024
25 members and 1 guest in attendance
President Rich, W2REV, called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm and led the Pledge of
President Rich shared remembrances of long time club member Rich Bodin, N2EYH, who
passed away November 6. He was well known, liked, and respected by many of today’s club
members for his helpfulness and his many contributions to radio in the Hudson Valley,
particularly with Skywarn, the Weather Underground, and his own weather website. President
Rich asked for a moment of silence to remember N2EYH and also to remember Veterans Day.
Steve, KB2TAT, read the September 12, 2024, minutes taken and written by Andrew, W2BOS.
The minutes were unanimously approved.
Officer Reports
President Rich, reporting for Adam, AE2AN, said there will be another Technician Class review
seminar and VE test session this spring. President Rich reported that Adam had been in touch
with two possible sites for a spring hamfest: the American Legion hall in Rhinebeck and the
Knights of Columbus hall in Hopewell. President Rich said the Knights of Columbus hall did
not have a room for VE testing but the Club could use the bar room for testing. Both sites had
adequate suitable parking. A discussion of the pros and cons of each site followed. A vote
was taken and the majority of voters chose the Hopewell site.
President Rich reminded the membership that for the hamfest to be successful members had
to turn out to help run it. A quick show of hands indicated that 12 of those present could
attend and several others felt they probably could once the date was established.
Vice President Tom, N2FZC, reported that he needs net control stations for the MBARC weekly
on-air meetings.
Treasurer Andrew, W2BOS, provided the Treasurer’s report:
The current bank balance as of the end of the preceding full month (31 October 2024) was
$19,482.50. The meeting before was $19,407.87.
Over the past 12 months, income was $5,610.49, expenses were $1,569.66 for a net gain of
Our club’s annual financial report (IRS Form 990-N) was submitted and accepted by the IRS on
23 September 2024.
Andrew recommended that the $10,000 from the recently matured CD, now temporarily held in
a savings account, be re-invested in a CD, which are now returning 4.25%. Frank, W2GIO,
suggested a stock-based fund could yield a higher return. Considerable discussion followed.
Lon, KB2UPZ, made the following motion:
“The Treasurer is permitted to invest this $10,000 in increments in any investment
vehicles paying at least a 4% annual percentage rate.”
The motion was seconded by Vernon, KD2VQP, and passed unanimously.
The club voted in four new members:
KE2I Jeffrey Baker
KE2EFN March S. Gallagher
KE2EFP Ernest William D’Ambrose IV
KE2EEY Patrick Becker
Andrew reported that he has booked the following 2nd Thursdays of every other month in 2025
for our club meetings:
Thursday, January 9th
Thursday, March 13th
Thursday, May 8th
Thursday, July 10th
Thursday, September 11th
Thursday, November 13th
Recording Secretary Steve, KB2TAT, was given the key to our club’s PO Box in Wappingers
Falls in lieu of Andrew’s physical absence from Poughkeepsie in the future. He will coordinate
the mail pickup with Andrew for the remainder of the current officer’s term.
Fred, WA2GZW, asked how many club members we had; Andrew did not have that figure
immediately in front of him, but relayed the following information to Fred via email the next day:
148 members, consisting of: 26 Family Members, 64 Full members, 2 Honorary members, and
56 Senior members.
Bill, KB2SSP, asked for the members to express their opinions about skipping a holiday party
this year and saving the money for a party next year. A discussion followed. President Rich
made a suggestion that most were in favor of: since it is already very late in the year to start
planning a holiday party, let’s build some sort of party or event around the spring hamfest.
Trustee and Director Reports
Frank, W2GIO, reported that the 220 repeater was working well and encouraged
everyone to use it.
Vernon, KD2VQP, did not have a formal report but saiid he was available to help the
Club and members any time and all should feel free to contact him.
Al, K2ATY, reported that the K2ATY DMR repeater, 441.01875, is working well and now
supports Starlink. He encouraged all to use it.
Frank, W2GIO, circulated an economical lithium iron phosphate battery and discussed
its construction and features. Rob, K2ROB, circulated an HT badly burned from a
lithium ion battery not intended for use in that device.
Bill, KB2SSP, commented on the Israeli Defense Force’s use of iCom HT’s as exploding
Frank showed a portable antenna he made using PVC pipe cap and telescoping rods.
Andrew reported that Adam suggested that the Club purchase a portable repeater.
There was some discussion but no action was taken.
Roxanne, KD2URJ, asked a question regarding antenna placement in her townhouse.
Frank responded.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve, KB2TAT
MBARC In-Person Meeting
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
September 12, 2024
President Rich, W2REV, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Twenty-nine members and guests were in attendance.
In lieu of Recording Secretary Steve KB2TAT’s absence, Treasurer Andrew
W2BOS recorded these minutes.
Director Adam AE2AN indicated the club still maintains an inventory of
Baofeng radios and that they were not being loaned to new students as we
originally thought as demand was not there. (We thanked Joe W2BCC on
behalf of the Orange County ARC for donating a radio to one of our
students in the earlier 2024 Technician License review class). Adam made
a motion to donate one of these radios to a worthy student (picked by the
instructors) during each subsequent MBARC Technician License review
session. The motion passed unanimously.
Adam also reminded the club of the upcoming Technician License Review
Seminar to be held at the Dutchess County Department of Emergency
Response’s operations center in Poughkeepsie over the weekend of
October 4-6, 2024.
Treasurer Andrew W2BOS gave his report:
- Because of the pending technical presentation by Steve N2JXL, the
reading of the July meeting minutes was withheld, and Andrew
distributed a hard copy of those minutes asking for any corrections to
be indicated. None were provided, and Andrew subsequently asked
Vice President Tom N2FZC to post them on the club’s website as
accepted. - He indicated that he and his wife have closed on a residence in
Westchester County after being a Dutchess County resident for over
40 years. He has been an officer for the club in various capacities for
many years, and Treasurer (with a year’s break) since 2014. He will
be leaving the Poughkeepsie area this fall or early winter after being
a club member for over 30 years.
a. He will remain Treasurer until his term ends in the Spring of
2025, assisted by Club Recording Secretary Steve KB2TAT
who will hand the PO Box once Andrew moves south.
b. Andrew mentioned that anyone who wishes to learn the ropes
of being either the Corresponding Secretary and/or Treasurer
should get ahold of him as the club will need to replace him
early next year. He mentioned that any candidates would need
to be approved by the Board if done in mid-term and voted on
in the next election.
c. Lynn KV2J has taken on the role of the club’s VE team liaison
to the ARRL, and the league’s VE office has been notified of
this change. - New club members George KE2DXO and Matt KE2ANN were voted
into the club unanimously. - Andrew distributed a letter of endorsement of Ed Wilson N2XDD from
our ENY Section Manager John Fritze Jr. K2QY. Ed is running for the
Hudson Division Director position. Andrew mentioned that he would
distribute the same type of endorsement for any other candidate as
well to the membership should he receive same. - Andrew distributed a letter to the New Hackensack Fire Department
that he wrote on August 12th acknowledging and thanking them for a
$500 donation to the club. We had aided in their recent event by
cooking hot dogs for their participants. - Andrew provided the current Treasury report:
a. The current bank balance as of the end of the preceding full
month (as of August 31, 2024) was $19,407.67.
b. Two months before was $17,792.88
c. Last year, at August 31, 2023, the balance was $15,312.48.
d. Over the past 12 months, income was $5,493.02, expenses
were $1,397.63 for a net gain of $4,095.39.
The business meeting closed, and Steve N2DXL gave a well-received
slide presentation on “Grounding and Bonding: A practical Overview” of
antennas and electrical systems in the amateur’s home. The club
thanked both Fred WA2GZW and Joe W2BCC for providing and
assisting in the video projector procurement and other visual aspects of
the presentation.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew W2BOS
MBARC In-Person Meeting
Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room
July 11, 2024
29 members and 3 guests (2 of whom were voted in as members) in attendance
President Rich, W2REV, called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm and led the Pledge of
Steve, KB2TAT, read the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved. He also reported
that he would order MBARC logo apparel again. An order form and instructions will go out on
the reflector.
Officer Reports
President Rich said that he was very pleased at the Club’s turnout and service at the New
Hackensack Fire Department event on June 8. He mentioned that there have been a number
of major events recently, including Field Day, the Dayton Hamfest, and the Thirteen Colonies
special event. He asked if any Members had participated and what were their experiences. A
number of Members shared their experiences.
Five new members were unanimously voted in:
◦ KE2DGY Douglas Ford
◦ N3NRT Nicholas R. Trio
◦ KE2DIA Jennifer Horan
◦ KE2BHG David Mosher
◦ N2JXL Steve A Uckerman
Vice President Tom, N2FZC, reported that he is looking for Net Control Stations for the Monday
night MBARC Weekly On Air Meeting.
Steve, KB2TAT, gave the Treasurer’s Report in Treasurer Andrew’s, W2BOS, absence.
He reported the following:
- The current bank balance as of the end of the preceding full month (as of 30
June 2024) was $17,792. The month before was $16,371. Last year, at June
30, the balance was$14,832. - Over the past 12 months, income was $2,727.66, expenses were $1,197.74 for a
net gain of $1,529.92.
Extraordinary items: - $772 check to Steve (KB2TAT) for the apparel order that we did in June
- Our $8,381 CD matured and is in the cash savings account at end of May
- We had $150 in donations this year from 7 different members
- We’ve collected a total of $2,187 dues in the 2024-2025 renewal cycle that
started on 1 June. 71 people renewed during this period (the difference is those
that did not need to renew as they had multiple years left in their membership.)
Thank you Members! - We have a total of 129 members as follows:
◦ 23 family members
◦ 52 full members
◦ 2 honorary members
◦ 52 senior members - Sometime during the week of 14 July, Andrew will be performing the annual
roster cleaning exercise and all non-currently paid up members will have their
reflector emails purged, but they also will get an automatic note that says this is
happening. Often, we get their attention when this happens.
John, N2OXV, reported that he recently went to the summit of Mt. Beacon to inspect our
equipment and investigate a few things related to the upcoming antenna project. With
that information he will present project details and recommendations to the
Trustee and Director Reports
There were no Trustee or Director reports.
Joe, W2BCC, asked about the Club holding a hamfest this year. There was discussion
on what it would take to do it. Rich, asked Joe to chair a hamfest committee and asked
those in attendance who would work at the hamfest. Twelve hands went up. Tom said
he would look into renting the Slater Chemical FD firehouse again.
Fred, WA2GZW, asked about having a club picnic this year. Most present were in favor
of holding a picnic.
Rich asked the Members about interest in a holiday party. Again, most present were in
favor of holding a party.
It was reported that MBARC will offer a Technician Class Review Seminar in October
at the Dutchess County Office of Emergency Management on Creek Road in
Poughkeepsie. A VE testing session, open to all, will be held following the seminar.
Rich encouraged any new or potential members considering taking the exam to read
the test manual thoroughly.
Roxanne, KD2URJ, offered a 10-40 meter loop antenna at no charge for anyone
interested in taking it.
Steve, N2JXL, suggested helping those new to the hobby with the very basics of radio
theory, operation, and basic math. He suggested these basics could be the topics for
in-depth discussions at our meetings. Everyone thought this was an excellent idea.
Rich said, as an example, he would like to learn more about lightning and electrical
bonding and grounding. A very interesting discussion followed, led by Steve, who then
offered to do a presentation on this subject at the next in-person meeting. He
recommended “Grounding and Bonding For The Radio Amateur, 2nd edition (or later)”,
by Ward Silver, as a great book on the subject.
The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve, KB2TAT